17th September 2024

Search West Hoathly Parish Council

Responses to some frequently asked questions

Often residents raise the same issues and concerns with the Parish Council.

Information on this page tries to address some of these issues.

Getting Things Done


Over many years the Parish Council has lobbied West Sussex County Council who are responsible for local Highways for solutions to slow down traffic using the C319.

The Parish Council continues to lobby the County Council.

Grinstead Lane junction at Tyes Cross

The Parish Council asked WSCC Highways to respond to residents ideas for improving the Grinstead Lane junction at Tyes Cross.


The Parish Council is aware that parking is an issue everywhere in the parish.

Residents often ask why the parish can't have double yellow lines to stop parking.

This position paper responds to that question.

Tree Assets in the Parish

PIcture of a tree within the parish
  • Tree Management Policy (PDF, 166 Kb)

    Policy for the management of trees on Parish Council owned land including answers to frequently asked questions concerning trees and their impact on property

Last updated: Thu, 06 Jul 2023 09:44