17th September 2024

Search West Hoathly Parish Council

Who we are & what we do

West Hoathly Parish Council consists of 11 elected councillors who serve for a four year term.

On behalf of the Parish the Parish Council owns and manages:

  • North Lane Recreation Ground
  • North Lane Public Toilets
  • Finche Field and Allotments
  • The Old Playground in Sharpthorne
  • Land adjacent to The Bluebells, Bluebell Lane, Sharpthorne

Council Meetings are usually held on the last Monday of each month, except August - see the diary of meetings for more information. Planning applications are considered at these meetings. The council reviews and comments on local planning applications made to Mid Sussex District Council.

There are 3 committees that help manage the Parish assets whose meetings are also held on a Monday evening:

  • Asset & Highways Committee meets 4 times a year and looks after the assets owned by the Parish Council as well as working with the County Council to seek ways to improve the Parish's roads and transport.
  • Finance Committee meets twice a year to review the grant applications and to set the budget.
  • Management Committee of West Hoathly Village Hall meets 3 times a year. and runs the Hall for which the Parish Council is Sole Managing Trustee.

All Council and Committee meetings are open to members of the public and begin with a public question time.

For further information relating to the services offered by the Parish Council please contact the Parish Clerk who will be happy to give advice and assistance.


Our councillors are elected or co-opted, if you would like to become a councillor or find out more about what they do then please contact the Parish Clerk.

Any co-option will be done using the Co-option Procedure.

West Hoathly Parish Council Governance

Along with Financial Regulations the way the Parish Council conducts business is outlined in the following policy documents

Our Staff

We have a part time Clerk to the Council who works with Mid Sussex District Council and West Sussex County Council to deliver the range of services provided. The Clerk can be contacted by phone or email.

Parish Clerk - Leanne Andrews

The Parish Office is open on Tuesday mornings between 9:00am and 12:00pm.

At other times the clerk can be contacted at clerk@westhoathly.gov.uk or 07483 149749

If telephoning, please leave a message if no reply and your call will be returned during working hours. Please note the Clerk's position is part-time and the Clerk works on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Village Hall
North Lane
West Hoathly
RH19 4QG
01342 811301
07483 149749

Responsible Finance Officer - Anita Emery

Last updated: Tue, 23 May 2023 11:12